Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mellow rainy Sunday

As much as I love this weather, it is always easy to fall into melancholy while it is raining. A rare allergy attack didn't help much either. Gotta lay off those candy orange slices. Antihistamines make me edgy, grumpy, and tired.

I spent the day with little productive labor. Mostly just straightening up the barn and reading. Dad went to work on his landscaping job and Bro borrowed the truck so I didn't have a lot of options anyways. Mom is getting ready for a 2 week visit back to Kansas with her family so I also spent a little time today scanning and editing photos for her to take with her.

One nice thing about doing some clean-up is all the cool weird stuff you unearth during the process. I've got a rather sizeable collection of potential BEAM robot parts (see sidebar-> ) which I seldom look at once the season begins. I also filed all my remaining plant-tissue culture materials and chemicals today. If I get another rainy day or two in June I might actually get around to sterilizing some agar and cloning some plants. Wishful thinking is mostly harmless and always fun.

The ol' pinched nerve is acting up again thanks to all the stoop labor from the last couple of days. You can get used to just about anything but pain still sucks.

Wishing you a delightful end to the weekend and an invigorating beginning to the week.


Rae Ann said...

It sounds like you did have a nice relaxing sort of break from your usual work. I'm a 'packrat' with some things too, and it is always fun to 'rediscover' stashed away treasures. I'm like that with fabric for sewing. I keep telling myself I'll make something with this fabric someday (and sometimes I actually do use it), but more often than not I'll just keep the fabric because I like to look at it and imagine what I'll make with it. lol It's almost as if I'm afraid that once I use to to make something then it will lose it's appeal. But maybe it's just waiting for the perfect inspiration?

I hope you're feeling better today!

Guy said...

Thanks Rae Ann. A night with ibuprofen and a heating pad does wonders for my disposition.

My friend Del mentioned that people who are particularly talented like Michelangelo or Da Vinci will sometimes take a project up to the point where they can see how it will turn out and then lose interest. I'm not sure if that is my problem or if life itself just gets in the way.