Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Irrigation and row making

First thing today we'll move the 3 inch irrigation pipe into the next field to be planted to corn. Dad finished prepping it yesterday while I was burning more orchard waste. Once it's watered we'll be ready to plant that come Monday or so. That'll be field 3 of about 9.

After the water is set we'll move on to pulling green plastic mulch and drip tape into mounded rows with the row maker my brother built a few years back. It's a little fidgety to get it adjusted just right but once you get it set that thing is the greatest. In a couple of hours we'll have 15 new rows ready to plant to melons, tomatoes, peppers and many others. And the timing should be perfect as we have some cooler, showery weather coming this week. That'll really help the transplants to survive.

Wishing you a day of tranquility, rewarding struggles and freedom.

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