Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Post shower relaxation

Broke out about another acre of ground this afternoon: hot, dusty, gritty work. Also loud and smoky.
But I feel much better now.

Have a bunch of items to take back to the library tomorrow. Some I finished some I didn't.

After last night's delightful dreamlet I'm looking forward to what tonight might bring. It's always sort of like panning for gold or fishing. You just let it happen and accept what comes to you. I wonder if I can dream about something that someone posts in my comments before I read it? That would be freaky. Nothing gross please. I will chose not to dream of anything someone might write which I would find unpleasant so save yourself the trouble if you're cruel. Otherwise any suggestion will be interesting and I'll post any results of weirdness. Might even make that a weekly feature.

Sending you freedom and exuberant thrills of happiness.


Rae Ann said...

Now that's an interesting experiment to try! Yesterday I went with my first grader on a field trip to 'farm day', all about local agriculture meant to help young kids learn where their food comes from. We saw all kinds of animals: horses, cows, goats, chickens, etc. Also I talked with a bee-keeper and am considering learning how to keep bees. And I learned how to make my own butter with heavy cream and an electric mixer (or a hand-churn if I had one).

Guy said...

Sweet! I always wanted to do beekeeping but could never work it into my program.

Delighted to read about the kids learning about Ag. Far to many people think their livelihood can be seperated from the farms that provide them with life. Liberals tend to think we should close all our dairies because we can just get our milk at the store. ;-)

You can make butter with heavy cream and a mason jar (a great trick for kids) Just put it in there and shake it until the butter settles out. It's a running joke around here; when I was little my sister used to have me shake the jar until it was almost done. The butter settles out in a fairly short time right at the end. So she would shake it for like 3 seconds and it would be done. So whenever someone show up for a job at the last 3 minutes of work we call them "buttermaker"