Sunday, April 30, 2006

Liberal gibberish: they call it communicating

If you haven't had a giggle today, slide down the page to just past my list of interesting links and click the Rant button on the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat. Or if you are from Oregon and need an emetic to regurgitate that poison tofu you just mistook for food, you can go to the so-called Democracy for Oregon website. I don't normally like to give the opposition a push, but it's worth a giggle to read some of their balderdash plus like Sun-Tzu says
know yourself, know your enemy: 100 Victories.
Don't know yourself, don't know your enemy: 100 defeats
Which is also a good reason to go to these sites:
Faith Freedom
Apostates of Islam
Religion of Peace

1 comment:

Rae Ann said...

In regard to Islam, and I make this statement with some trepidation, it could be argued that Mohammed was the 'beast' foretold in Revelations.