Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sun and Spray

Slow, painstaking work today. More irrigation which is straight forward and active, and weed control which has taken on a grinding quality.

The sun was hot and the corn grows very well beneath it. There is a color I call "corn dust blue" which is a few shades off green and blue. It can only be seen on corn leaves when viewed at the correct angle. Straight on the leaves look green. But when the hairs on them line up just right they take on a bluish cast. This is an indication of vibrant, healthy growth. The world is full of such little messages, if we take the time to pay attention.

Now I must go rest and perhaps dream of us and other times and other places. Wish the whole world wellness.

1 comment:

Rae Ann said...

How interesting about the corn color. I'll have to look for that sometime when I'm around growing corn. I've never had any luck growing corn. Have a great day!