Sunday, July 09, 2006

Farming Splendor

Here are four images from farm #2. This first one is of our early corn field.

Here's our first tomato field. The green strip down the middle is weeds, the tomatoes are boxed by the large railroad ties which we use to anchor the wires that contain them.

These last two are overviews of the whole field. Strange, I'm sure I took a pic of the melons, wonder where I put them? Oh well, maybe next post.


changapeluda said...

those pics/your farm is way more gorgeous more green and lush and surrounded by mountains than i imagined.

Guy said...

I sometimes am awestruck by how blessed I have been. The farming is hard work but the dividends are beyond price.

Rae Ann said...

I think you really do have a little piece of heaven there.