Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A good tip for fellow bloggers

On a number of occasions, especially when I am offering gardening advice like "How to grow eggplants" or "how to grow tomatoes" my articles have been ripped off by other sites, a blatant violation of my copyrights. What really makes it irritating is that these are always vulture ad sites or some other gimmic pile of crap.

Dailyblogtips has a great idea about how to hurt those "scrapers" which use adsense, a most common advertising medium from Google. I'll be using this technique for sure and so should anyone else who gets ripped-off by such a-holes.


Rae Ann said...

Thanks for that information. How do you know when your content has been "scraped"?

Guy said...

I've followed links from sitemeter to places that are framing my content and also if you use a particularly unique phrase in a posting you can search for it with google or whatever and find places that are copying your content.

Hmmmm.... makes me think that'd be a good search engine option: Find Pages like this.