As anyone who reads here regularly knows, I am in much disagreement with our President, George W. Bush on many issues. His porous border policy, bad decisions in warfare and generally abrasive political style makes for easy criticism.
But what is going on right now with Harry Reid, Charles Schumer and many other democrats is just embarrassing. I understand how desperately important they feel it is that they win the Whitehouse in 2008. When they resort to smoke screen tactics and blizzards of propaganda it insults the intelligence of the electorate.
Here's just one example of how their current round of misguided alarmism can backfire on them. A huge surge of "controversy" is now centering on the firings of certain U.S. attorneys. Yet this behavior is not new or unique, the last 5 presidents have all done much the same. Pres. Clinton fired All of the attorneys in 1993 in order to avoid investigation into his involvement with the whitewater controversy.
And therein lies the crush; for every example of controversy and corruption the democrats decry they expose their own "Acquille's heel". In the case of controversy it's the firings by attorney general Gonzales. In the case of corruption it's William Jefferson (dem. Louisiana) who took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes. Jefferson still hasn't been ostracized by his fellow democrats, a tacit approval of his action at best, collusion at worst.
If democrats want to prove to their fellow Americans that they are better than republicans they'd be best served by Being better than republicans.
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