Friday, March 23, 2007

Broken Implement of the week #1

The first installment in a column I've entitled "Broken Implement of the Week" each week will feature a new broken implement, as we bust 'em!

This is the wide-spacing 2 row corn cultivator we used to operate in the golden jubilee fields we first raised 19 years ago. Dad and I busted it when trying to clean up some plastic mulch rows on Tuesday March 20th, 2007. First we busted one wing, then we broke t'other. Cause of bustin': poor welding and too many rocks.


Rae Ann said...

Bust implements suck. I have a list of things that need repair. Maybe I could do a similar post showing all my broken stuff too. lol How hard is it to fix or do you have to get a new one?

Rae Ann said...

crap, "busted" implements suck. Well, I guess I also think that "bust" implements suck too. ;-)

Rae Ann said...

By the way, I think that's a very nicely composed photo.

Guy said...

Hey Rae,
Long time no chat.
It's a toss-up on that piece of junk. Will probably just cannibalize or cannabisize it or whatever ;-) We've got other better equipment to do the same job and that's a fair chunk of steel and square tubing which can be made into more implements for us to bust.

If you're gonna photograph junk, you might as well do it well, don't you think?