Not really sure how this post is going to look when I'm done. I'm using my new wireless keyboard and mouse while routing the video output through my ol' tv set. Text is little and a little blurry. But it is really nice to kick back in a comfy position and be able to control this machine. If I ever get liquid I'll invest in a big screen tv that accepts 1024x760 resolution. Or maybe a projector. That will make writing code a smooth cool breeze.
It's snowing outside at the moment. Flurries been blowing through all day.
Hope you are all happy and well.
We really are living in amazing technological times.
Ain't it so?
I've been looking into google's new "Android" open source phone as a new platform to write code for. Pretty nice stuff, it's completely java based so if I really want to get into it I'll enjoy the writing anyways.
The question always is, what to write? If anyone has a request for a cool mobile app, let me know. I'll need something to limber up on as I learn, so-to-type.
Wow, I don't even know enough about that stuff to be able to request anything. lol
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