Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rain !?

Every forecast I could find yesterday had today just partly cloudy with the rains coming in way late today. But this morning it is just pouring down out there. So much for getting the big greenhouse back up today. Darn!

Couldn't sleep well last night so I sat up reading some "Dresden Files" the books are much better than the shows and the shows are pretty darn good. Consequence of late night reading: weird fragmented dreams. Which is sometimes better than weird coherent dreams.

Here in the basement, cocooned by the soft sussuration of rainsong, I can momentarily feel safe and warm. The world's mad dash towards god-only-knows-what is attenuated and my heart rests easy. For now.

Wishing you a warm, fuzzy and delightful day.


Stogie said...

Sweet susurration? I had to look that one up. It is a whispering sound, a murmur, and that's just what rain sounds like. I love rain too. It is so relaxing. You seem to have a poetic heart and you love communing with nature. Henry Thoreu's got nothing on you.

Guy said...

It was good alliteration too.

Thoreu was a hippy dammit! He just didn't have the quality weed that was floating around in the sixties. I've gotta be honest, I did like some of his stuff. But he shoulda got a job instead of just hanging out by the lake. His work would've had more punch then.

Nature is easy to write, she pretty much does all the work. Humanity, now that is a struggle to describe.