Sunday, July 01, 2007

Let's see if this works

Been working on my "Shores of other worlds" software in my rare and precious few minutes of spare time (usually eating into my sleep time unfortunately...)

Along the way I needed to test some sine wave subroutines and I wrote another simpler program which with a little modification and some extra controls made an interesting little package. Reminds me of some of the whacky sound makers I designed on the ol' TRS-80 model 3.

Anyhow, if you'd like to play with it, you can download a copy here: or HERE I put it in both .exe and .zip formats so as to make it as easy as possible for someone to download. If you don't have the right files to run this, leave a message and I'll hook you up with fresh copies. Most people with win98 and darn near anyone with winXP should be able to run this. I think young kids will find it especially amusing.


Rae Ann said...

Cool! Thanks. I'll let the kids play around with it.

Unknown said...

Sounds neat! Do you have anything that would work for macs?

Guy said...

Hi Rae,
Hope it delights them and drives you nuts :-)

Hi webbed,
Sure! Try this out:
should work great for a mac